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“But the Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet; and Abiezer was gathered after him.” Judges 6:34 KJV

There are many opportunities out there that believers are not taking advantage of because of fear. However, today, I have come to challenge you to step out of your comfort zone. Those that do great things are those who would rather obey God even when it does not seem to make sense.

In our scripture today, the Lord called Gideon – who was afraid – a mighty man of valour and instructed him to blow the trumpet with one promise that I have given you: “I will be with you” and that is all that you need.

Child of God, by God being with you, you have all it takes to succeed! The Lord is with you! You are not weak! You are not defeated, and you are not frustrated. You are not bound by any boundary. You are breaking loose from every boundary. You are stepping into the greatness of God in Jesus’ name. 

When Gideon heard that God was with him, he stepped out in faith and as he moved God proved to him that He was true with him. The scripture says God told him to go and knock down the images, the idols and altars of his father. He also told him to take the burnt offering and he took a kid and killed it and offered it in the high place. Then the spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon and he blew the trumpet and the world came after him. 

I declare to you that the world will come for your resources. You are going to blow your trumpet. God has put a trumpet in you. What is a trumpet? It is the investment He has put inside you. It is the talent and the creative ideas that He has put inside you. You will blow your trumpet and they are going to come after you from the north, south, east, and west of the globe. Resources will not be a hindrance. No more limitations for you.

Further Reading: Judges 6:12-34
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Job 20-21; Evening- Acts 10:24-48

Bishop Mike Okonkwo
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