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Dearly Beloved, I bring you greetings in the name that is above every other name, Jesus Christ the Son of the living God and our soon coming King. We thank God for the privilege to see the last Sunday in the month of July; God has really been faithful to us and we give Him all the praise for our lives, families, loved ones, careers, businesses and everything that concerns us.


This morning, I feel impressed in my spirit to remind you that you are the righteousness of God in Christ. One of the reasons why todays Church is falling short of the manifestation of Gods power and glory especially in these last days, is because we have failed to embrace our identity in Christ; and until you embrace your identity, you cannot function in the power therein.


Any wonder Paul dedicated a good portion of his letters to the different Churches, to teaching and establishing the saints on this important truth of our righteousness which is by faith in Christ Jesus. Child of God, the moment you received Jesus as Lord of your life, your nature (and location) changed forever. The once sinner (nature) has become the righteousness of God, and is therefore seated far above (location) in Christ. Hallelujah!


Lets read this passage of scripture from one of Pauls epistles;

“…and become one with him. I no longer count my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For Gods way of making us right with himself depends on faith.– Philippians 3:9 (NLT)


Beloved, one of the things you must settle in your heart, if you will truly operate in the power and glory that God has released upon His Church in these last days, is that you are not righteous as a result of your actions or inactions. There is nothing you can do to earn Gods righteousness; not now, not ever!


Righteousness is a gift, only made possible because of Christs sacrifice at the Cross. Righteousness is the nature of the believer and it is imputed from the moment you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. It is having right standing before God and like Ive said many times and it bears repetition, righteousness is standing before God without any sense of sin, shame, guilt, reproach, condemnation or inferiority complex.


When you have a revelation of your righteousness, it will enable you live a victorious Christian life. You will understand that all the promises that accrue to the righteous in the scriptures are yours. You will also understand that no matter what happens, you can boldly approach God and expect to receive an answer. Your understanding of your righteousness in Christ shores you up, such that even when you make a mistake, in stead of  running from God, you will run to Him, because you know that His arms are open wide to receive you. This is why it is important to be established in righteousness.


However, many believers think that because righteousness by faith in Christ Jesus is a free gift, they can trample on it, wrong! Child of God, you must understand that despite being Gods free gift to the believer, righteousness is not cheap, because it cost God the life of His Son. Now, do you see why its a free gift? Because theres no price that can match the life of Gods son – righteousness is truly priceless!


I pray that as you walk in the consciousness of who you are in Christ, creation will answer to you. The ground that you walk upon will yield her increase for you. The God-advantage will speak for you, even in this season, and you will be celebrated. I bless you!


In His Royal Service,

Dr. Mike Okonkwo

The Presiding Bishop

Content Editor 1
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