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“And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise”.
Galatians 3:29 KJV.
In order to understand our heritage in Christ, we need to understand the principle of representation. Adam represented mankind. And so, when Adam fell, he fell with everything he carried. And he handed everything he carried over to his son. So, everything he carried, his son also carried. What Adam carried becomes his son’s heritage, whether he likes it or not. And it goes down the line. All you need to do in order to carry what is in Adam is just to be born. Once you are born, whatever Adam carried becomes your heritage whether you like it or not.
When the set time came for God to manifest His redemptive plan, He opened his mouth and called Abraham. “……Get out of thy country, from thy kindred and from thy father’s house, into a land that I will shew thee.”(Genesis 12:1 KJV). Abraham took off and followed God, and right away he separated himself from what was happening in the first Adam, even though the last Adam has not come. God was trying to show us what He prepared in advance for the believer. His thoughts towards us are thoughts of peace, not of evil; to give us an expected end. Therefore, your end is sure! You will get there!
God said I will bless you and you shall become a blessing. “And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed”(Genesis12:3 KJV). Abraham passed the blessing he carried to Isaac! That was why Isaac could sow in the land of famine and yet was successful. He has a heritage of blessing. Anywhere he went he carried the blessing because that was his heritage.
In Christ, we have all become the sons of Abraham. And that heritage of blessing has been passed to us.
Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. (Galatians 3:6-9 KJV)
Further Reading: Galatians 3:6-29
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 77-78; Evening- Romans 10
Bishop Mike Okonkwo
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