Dearly Beloved, I want to specially welcome you back to the physical church gathering. It’s been over five months since we’ve gathered together in the cathedral of His glory, but through it all, God has been faithful. I give God all the glory for each and everyone of us and for seeing us through it all. My heart reaches out to those who have lost loved ones and family members, I pray the comfort of the Holy Spirit over your lives and families in the name of Jesus. Once again I welcome you back and I trust that you are emerging bigger, better and stronger.
The past three days since Thursday August 27th, have been truly incredible with the Metathesis 2020 Conference. I must say that I have truly enjoyed the conference experience, and want to especially commend the leadership of the NYPM and the Metathesis planning committee, for what has been a successful virtual conference. One of the major highlights of this conference has been the global collaboration, right from the pre-conference activities to the conference itself. Indeed the young people’s ministry have set a precedence which TREM worldwide must build on to harness and leverage the uniqueness that every region brings to the table. I believe this is our competitive advantage and we must maximize it.
The theme for this conference is UNASHAMED.
“I refuse to be ashamed of sharing the wonderful message of God’s liberating power unleashed in us through Christ! For I am thrilled to preach that everyone who believes is saved – the Jew first, and then people everywhere! – Romans 1:16 (TPT)
This text is so clear. In our present day and age, you must make up your mind to stand up for what it is that you believe. These are not the days to take a back seat and cower, No. As a matter of fact, people do not respect you when you sit on the fence. Even the Bible says if you are neither hot nor cold, you will be thrown out (Revelations 3:16). Child of God it is time for you to be on fire for Christ, let the world know that Jesus is the answer for the world today. If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that Jesus is the answer. Outside of Jesus, there is no answer anywhere and we must let the whole world know this.
This is why it is important that you live your life in such a way that everything about you preaches the gospel. Let people see Jesus through the way you talk, dress, conduct business, in your office, and in every other area. Matthew 5:13-16 states that you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth, so do not lose your flavor by trying to fit in and be like everyone else, no. Everything about you is unique, there is only one you, and so stand out and shine for the world to see and glorify your Father in heaven.
Beloved, I have prayed and I know that the world will hear of you. You will never go under because you are the seed of the righteous. Listen, this is your moment of acceleration! I prophesy speed and accuracy into your life in the name of Jesus. As a father in the house, I declare that this is your finest hour. I bless you today in Jesus’ name, Amen.
In His Royal Service
Dr Mike Okonkwo
The Presiding Bishop