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“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1 KJV

The Word of God is not ink and paper.  The Word of God is the Person of Jesus. So, if you read the Word as ink and paper and you have not encountered the Word of God Himself, there can be no change in your life. Only Jesus can produce a change. He said to the religious rulers, “Search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life, and they are they that testify of me”. (John 5:39) So when you read the Bible, read until you encounter Jesus. Transformation only comes from Him. Everything you read, from Old Testament to the New Testament and from Genesis to Revelation, points to Jesus.

The Bible is just one Book, not many books. It is one Book speaking of One Character. One Person that unfolds in a progressive revelation and His name is Jesus. There is Jesus in Genesis, in Exodus, in Leviticus, in Numbers, in Joshua and all through the Bible. Until you encounter Him, nothing changes.  When you read, look for Jesus.

According to the book of Luke 24:13-31, Jesus saw two men going to Emmaus after His resurrection and He joined them. He asked them why they were sad. One of them answered; Are you a stranger? Don’t you understand what happened here in Jerusalem, how this good man Jesus was crucified?”

Jesus is not “good man”.  If Jesus died the death of a ‘good man’, then you are lost. He did not die the death of a good man; He died the death of a criminal, the death of the cross. He died your death. The Bible says: ‘Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth.’

He did not commit sin and yet He died the death of a sinner. Death that was so painful to Him that He said, ‘Father; is there any other way?’ The Father said: No other way. Then He accepted God’s will. ‘Nevertheless, not my will but your will be done.’ Aren’t you glad He decided to do God’s will?  If He did not, where would you have been?

Further Reading: John 1: 1-18, Luke 24: 13-53
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Ezekiel 5-7; Evening- Hebrews 12

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