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Dearly beloved, I bring you greetings in the name that is above every name, Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God and our soon coming King. I also want to use this opportunity to appreciate TREMites and friends of the ministry, for the outpour of love last weekend, you truly made my birthday celebration very special, and I want to say thank you. Even as you have celebrated and honored me, my God will do much more for you; thank you once again.


Today, I just want to speak Gods blessing over every area of your life and believe it with all your heart because it will come to pass.


Behold, I have received command to bless; and He has blessed,…” Numbers 23:20 (NKJV)


Beloved, I declare over you that you are blessed in the city, the field, fruit of your body, everything that concerns you is blessed. Whatever you lay your hands on shall prosper. Favour will attend all your ways. I speak open doors in your business, your career, ministry and profession. Only good news is permitted to come from your camp in the name of Jesus. You are fruitful, you will carry your children, you will get married, you will buy that house, you will drive that car; the blessings of God rests upon your home in the name of Jesus.


No evil shall come near you, no evil shall befall you; morning, afternoon and night you are safe in Gods hands. You will not dash your foot against any stone. You are protected, your health shall not fail you in the name of Jesus. Whatever it is that is molesting your life and family stops today in the name of Jesus. I declare you free. Your lips will continually testify of Gods goodness and faithfulness.


The Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and may He be gracious to you. I bless you with the blessings of the heaven, the earth and of the deep in Jesus name.




In His Royal Service

Dr. Mike Okonkwo

The Presiding Bishop

Content Editor 1
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