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Dearly Beloved, I bring you greetings in the name that is above every other name, Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God and our soon coming King. Once again congratulations to every TREMmite on the conclusion of the fast. Thank God for the glorious end-of-fast service we had; I know beyond every shadow of doubt that I will hear your testimonies. Your fully loaded delivery van is out, and it has your name, address, mobile number, all your details, and it will definitely locate you in Jesus’ name.

This is the day the Lord has made, and we shall rejoice and be glad in it. I’m excited about today because it’s the day wherein we celebrate the awesome men and women that continue to stand in the gap over the flock and the work of the ministry, our Pastors. As a ministry, we have made it a custom to celebrate our Pastors the first Sunday in the month of November, annually. The bible says Pastors are worthy of double honor and indeed they are. Today I join multiplied thousands to appreciate our Pastors for their love, sacrifice, dedication, to the flock of Christ, the ministry and the body of Christ. These men and women are truly remarkable, always available and willing to go out of their way to ensure the different aspects of the ministry are covered. We say a very Big Thank You to each and every Pastor, we truly love and appreciate you all and pronounce God’s blessings over your lives and families.

Beloved, when we appreciate our Pastors, we are obeying the word of God. In different verses of the scriptures, God points out the importance of Pastor’s Appreciation. In 1Thessalonians 5:12-13 (NIV) says “Now we ask you, brothers and sisters to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.” Verse 12 of the same chapter in TPT translation says “Dear brothers and sisters, make sure that you show your deep appreciation”  for those who cherish you and diligently work as ministers among you. For they are your leaders who care for you, teach you, and stand before the Lord on your behalf.” (emphasis mine). Did you see that, God desires that you appreciate your pastors deeply for who they are and all that they do.

Child of God never fail to let your Pastors know that you appreciate them for all that they represent in your life and family. Bless them with your substance even as God has prospered you. Every year, my wife and I plan from the beginning of the year on how to be a blessing to them, because we understand the importance of doing so. God has blessed you, so you can be a blessing. Even the bible admonishes us to bless Pastors financially (1Timothy 5:17-18). Bless your Pastors financially, bless them with your prayers, bless them with your kindness, let them know that you love and appreciate them as much as possible. These men and women of God, are on call 24hours/7days a week, 365days a year, so let them know throughout the year that you love and appreciate them. Don’t just wait for the first Sunday in November to do so, make it a regular practice. As you do so, the Prophet’s reward shall be your portion in Jesus’ name.

The biggest event on this side of eternity is happening in about two weeks time. It is the Kingdom Life World Conference #KLWC. Trust me, you do not want to miss this great event, start preparing yourself right now, and keep praying about the event because it shall be indeed glorious. November 18-25, 2018 is the date. God bless you and have a beautiful week.


In His Royal Service

TREM Web Administrator
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