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“And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.”

Romans 4:21 (KJV)

Today, I encourage you to take the limits off God and believe Him for the impossible. You cannot be a believer who does not believe in the abilities of His God. The time and season have come for you to take responsibility for your own life. Stage a walk out on doubt and unbelief.

God is calling you to a higher realm. God is calling you to a new dimension of possibilities. This realm requires an unwavering faith in the supernatural abilities of your God. In other words, you must dare to believe God in an impossible situation even when it seems foolish to do so. There are several examples and testimonies in the scriptures of those who believed God in impossible situations and how God turned their situation around.

We read the story of how Abraham believed God when there was nothing to lay hold on, in the face of all odds. Put on your imagination! Abraham and his wife were old. Sarah had gone past the age of childbearing. But the Word of God was waiting to be made manifest. Abraham, by faith, dared to believe God, and that was the clincher! He believed that it would be as God had spoken. And it came to pass! He believed and saw himself as the father of many nations even when he had no child to show for it. The question is: Do you really believe that God can step into your situation, or are you trying to work things out by yourself?

Today, I challenge you to believe God; you will see Him come through for you. He is too faithful to fail! Believe that His promises over your life will come to pass. When He made those promises to you, it was not to pull punches. He meant what He said. Your responsibility, therefore, is to believe the promise. Receive it and thank Him for the fulfilment.

Further Reading: Matthew 17:20; Luke 1:37; Romans 4:17-25

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 7-9; Evening- Acts 18







Bishop Mike Okonkwo
1 Comment
  • Awele
    Posted at 4:18 am, July 13, 2024


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