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“And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.” I Kings 17:1 (KJV)


You must understand that Ahab was a disobedient king. And God was not too pleased with him. And here comes the prophet of God: Elijah, who came to let him know that God was going to bring judgement on the land.  And he said something very key: “As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand.”  This statement is very key because your ability to fulfill the purpose and plans of God and be able to withstand the challenges of life is predicated on your standing before God.


If the enemy succeeds in rattling your standing before God, I can guarantee you that you will not be able to fulfill the destiny that God has ordained for you. If there is any doubt about your standing with God, then you have no guaranty, neither are you assured of your standing with God. I can tell you without any fear of contradictions that no matter the investments, the treasure, the potentials, the giftings that God has put in you, they cannot be unleashed nor be deployed if your standing before God is defective.


Elijah was a Prophet and he was going to speak that there was not going to be rain in the entire land for three years. He was able to speak because he had a right standing before God. You must understand that your standing before God is right in Christ. That is the source of your boldness and confidence. In Christ, your standing before God is not in any way polluted. There is no doubt about it. Your righteousness in Christ is a gift. It is iron-clad and blood-bought. Nothing can unravel it. In Christ, you are always standing right before God. And as a result, you can speak for Him…


Further Reading: Romans 5:12-19,

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Isaiah 14-16; Evening- Ephesians 5:1-16

Bishop Mike Okonkwo
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