I bring you greetings in the name that is above every other name, Jesus Christ the Son of the living God and our soon coming King. I am so excited we entered the week of our Young People’s flagship conference Metathesis, themed RELENTLESS.
Beloved, if there were ever a time individuals, families and indeed the body of Christ needed to be relentless, it is now. The devil is loose and is fighting tooth and nail, and so we must relentlessly stand our ground in the victory that God has given to us. These are not the days to trifle with your Christian faith. There are many things begging for your attention, and yes some of them are important, but like Mary, don’t be encumbered about many things. God’s word is needful for you – hold tight to it and live by it.
“Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you’ve got, be resolute.” 1 Corinthians 16:13 (MSG)
Apostle Paul writing to the Corinthian church admonished the people to be on guard, to be at alert, and not allow themselves to be distracted by anything. Beloved, if in those days when evil was not as prevalent as we see today, Paul admonished the people on this, how much more now, seeing all that is going on in the world? We cannot take this instruction for granted; we must keep our eyes open.
It is saddening to see believers today, basing their lives on what they hear on television, or read in the newspapers or on the internet, when we have the infallible truth of God’s word, given to guide us. The Bible clearly states what your inheritance is in Christ Jesus, and until you get into the scriptures to find out what is rightfully yours, you can never enjoy what Grace has freely provided. Child of God, get into the Word of God, find out what is yours and stand until you see the manifestation.
This week the different speakers are going to come and open up the scriptures to us, so make sure you are a part of it. I believe with all my heart that God is calling His children to stand relentlessly and boldly in the face of adversity because we are overcomers.
I believe God for you that you will fulfill your God-ordained destiny; every seed of God’s word spoken over your life will find expression, in Jesus’ name. I will hear your testimony. I bless you!
In His Royal Service
Dr Mike Okonkwo
The Presiding Bishop