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This is the day the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. I welcome each and everyone of you to another blessed Sunday. I thank God for His faithfulness to us this past week, it is by His mercies that we are not consumed, to Him be all the praise. This morning, I’ve come with a heart of thanksgiving, I just want to say thank You Jesus for who you are to us. You are our rock, our shield, our strong tower, our way maker, our bridge over troubled waters, You are everything to us, oh we bless Your name.

“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” (Psalms 118:1 KJV) The song writer says “When I think upon your goodness, and your faithfulness each day, I’m convinced it’s not because I am worthy, to receive the kind of love that You give, but I am grateful for your mercies, and I am grateful for your grace…” (Imela by Nathaniel Bassey) Lord we are truly grateful for your mercies and grace. What is man that you are mindful of him? What is man that you have chosen to dwell in him? With all of our failings and shortcomings, you still chose us, you are indeed amazing.

This morning we have just come to tell you that we love you. We just want you to know that you mean more than this world to us. Lord nothing and no one can ever take your place. We love you with every fiber of our being. We are grateful to you for your lovingkindness and your mercies, we are grateful that we are still alive to bless your holy name, hallelujah be to you Jesus.

Beloved, we have so much to be grateful for. The verse I extracted from the song Imela says “when I think upon your goodness…” If you can think, then you can give Him thanks. When you think about how He delivered you, protected you, defended you, provided for you and your family, when you think of the fact that today is December 9, 2018 and you are still around and full of life, you will lift up your hands and thank Him.

As we go into this week, and prepare towards our annual thanksgiving next week Sunday, December 16, I want us to take some time to reflect over the faithfulness of God, and everyday of this week engage in some heartfelt thanksgiving. Thank Him from the depths of your heart, let Him know you are grateful for His goodness and mercies. Even beyond this week, for the rest of the month, engage God in some heartfelt deep thanksgiving. This God is too good o. Thank You Jesus!

I bless you today, as you go into this week, favor will speak for you. I will see you in 2019.



In His Royal Service

Dr. Mike Okonkwo

The Presiding Bishop


TREM Web Administrator
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