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“Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it”. (1 Thessalonians 5:24 KJV)

 A man was complaining bitterly to God about his life and saying, Lord why are you doing this to me? All these years I have served and committed myself to you and heaven was silent. One day the man came by his window and was looking outside and he saw a bird which came and fluttered its feathers and one of them fell off. When it fell, the bird suddenly flew away. Then God said to the man, go and pick the feather, look for the bird and fix it back. He responded and said how am I going to do that? Where am I going to find the bird? Then God said to him: “So also can you not fix your challenge, leave it in my hands because I specialize in fixing challenges.”

Brethren, let the specialist do it for you. He is faithful and he loves you so much. He will do it! One of the things I have learnt lately is to take my hands off and let God be God. One assurance I am giving you is that you will surely testify. Just as you cannot fix back a feather that fell out of a bird, so you cannot fix anything back into your life. You cannot lay hold if you cannot let go. Keep on serving and looking up to God and he will give you a testimony.

Look at Jephthah for example, his brothers who did not understand the workings of God threw him out of their father’s house because he was the son of a harlot. But when God was through with him, elders had to go and beg him to come back home. Jephthah had to determine how much he was going to be paid in order to be their captain. I declare to you by the authority of heaven, by reason of God’s investment in your life, you are going to show up. You are going to manifest! The purpose of God upon your life will be revealed. Your days of frustration are over! You will not end up a minus or a disappointment. You will end up in the place of glory. And you will rise from glory to glory.

Further Reading: Matthew 6:25-33, 1Peter 5:7

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Leviticus 4-5; Evening- Matthew 24:29-51

TREM Web Administrator
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