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“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11 (KJV)

I know that the media is awash with bad news today, but I am glad that today is a day of good tidings. Today we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Halleluyah!!!

Many have argued on the correctness of December 25, but that is not the issue. Do not focus on the minors and ignore the major; the fact remains that Jesus Christ was born. I am so excited that God Himself, came in the form of man to pay the price that no man could pay.

Stop and think for a minute: assume that Jesus had not yet come and so you are living in the Old Testament, how many sheep, goats, birds, etc. would you have slaughtered all in an attempt to cover your sins? Think of worship in the Old Testament. How many laws would you have learnt to keep; to come into His presence? Remember, you cannot even come into the Holy of Holies, you stay in the outer court and rely on the priests to carry out the sacrifice for you. But today, Hallelujah, the curtain has been torn, we can now enter boldly into His presence, not with the blood of bulls and goats, but by the blood of the Lamb that was slain, not to cover, but to TAKE AWAY the sin of the whole world.

So you can imagine why I am so excited to celebrate Christmas. He came into the world to give us life and that more abundantly so we can enter into His presence at any time and indeed, we can now dwell in His presence. But it is not only accessed His coming gave us, no. When He left, He left us with a legacy, we are now carriers of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit now dwells in us. What a privilege.

Beloved, today and every day, thank God for Jesus Christ. Celebrate His birth and take time to ruminate over what His birth brought to you and me.

Further Reading Luke 2: 8-20

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Zephaniah; Evening- Revelation 16

Samuel Friday
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