Today, the world over, we celebrate the price Jesus paid for man. The song writer, rightly wrote “I’ll never know how much it costs, to see my sin upon the cross” and that is the truth. No movie is able to effectively paint the picture of the price Jesus paid. Even the Passion of Christ could not fully capture the events we celebrate today. Beloved, Jesus paid IN FULL. There is nothing left for you to pay. He paid it, even before you were ever born to show that your past, present and future sin has been dealt with. The question is: will you receive Him? Beloved, salvation was given to you freely, not because it is free, but because someone paid in full. That is why it is called GRACE – Unmerited favour.
Today as we celebrate the death of Jesus – very painful and gruesome death, my question is: what should be your response to Him? You cannot repay the price, but you can receive the gift and treasure it by following Him totally.
When you accept His love and surrender to Him, focusing on Him and not on sin, you will discover that you are changed daily, from glory to glory. Then you will sing “the things I used to do, I do them no more, there is a great change in my life today” not because someone legislated it, but because you are consumed with your love for Him.
It is easy to think that God has gone slack on sin, but may I announce to you that God hates sin and the wages of sin is death, that has not changed. That is why Jesus paid that price just for you. The ONLY reason why Jesus came is to take away sin thus reconciling man to God; and when you reject it, you are trampling on the blood that has been shed. I challenge you to receive the finished work today and celebrate Him who died that you may live.
Further Reading: Hebrews 9:9-28
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Samuel 25-26; Evening- Luke 12:32-59