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Dearly Beloved, I bring you greetings in the name that is above every other name, Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God and our soon coming King. These days as events unfold globally; the hopes of many are failing. Many have become afraid and disillusioned, and so look for help where there is none because the very things they trusted in are falling apart like a pack of cards. Little wonder the Psalmist says some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. (Psalms 20:7) That is why I come your way today to urge you to hold your peace because the God you serve has got your back covered. You can never be embarrassed.


The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” – Exodus 14:14 (KJV)


Beloved, understand that you have been wired to succeed in-spite of what the enemy throws at you. You don’t need to fret or be afraid. Let the billows rage and let the tempest toss, child of God hold your peace because the Lord your God is on your side and He shall fight for you. Refuse to look at what the enemy is doing but rather focus on the bigness of your God. While it is true that as an individual, you have no might against the devil, understand that it was for this cause that Jesus came to take charge and take over your battles. Settle it in your heart that you cannot lose, because the battle is not yours.


In Exodus 14, Moses told the children of Israel, the battle is not yours, but the battle is the Lord’s. I come to you today with the same word: the battle is not yours. Hold your peace and see the Lord fight for you. When the children of Israel confronted Pharaoh, who is a type of the devil, the Bible says they simply stood still and watched God deliver them because they really had no might against the Egyptians. The same thing is true today, because as an individual, you have no might against the devil, but when you team up with God, you rest in Him and watch Him deliver the victory into your hands.


The good news is that Jesus has already fought all your battles and He defeated the devil. All you need do is to enforce the devil’s defeat by standing your ground on the promises of God and they will come to pass in your life. For instance when God says fear not, it is because he knows that you have a tendency to be afraid so He goes ahead of the devil to say “Fear not”. God does not just say fear not and leave it hanging. No! He says fear not because the challenges you saw yesterday you will see no more forever. Beloved, when God delivers, He delivers totally. Though it may tarry, wait for it because it will surely come to pass.  He is not a man that He should lie neither is He the son of man that He will repent. His word is as good as settled. The truth is that when God speaks, He talks about the things He has already perfected ever before He announced it.


In Numbers 13, when God told Moses and the people that He had given them the land of Jericho, He meant what He said, but unfortunately they could not comprehend it because of the giants. He assured them that the land was flowing with milk and honey. He wanted them to see the milk and honey and not the giants. Some came back and said they saw themselves as grasshoppers, while only 2 believed in what God said and refused to see the giants. Those 2 agreed with what God had said and even pointed to the fruit of the land as evidence of its goodness. Beloved, when you see what God has spoken about your life, rather than doubt how it will ever come to pass, choose to believe like Mary and watch Him bring it to pass. When He says you are healed, beloved dare to believe it and it will be made manifest in your life. I prophesy over your life that the challenges you are seeing today, you will see no more forever. Beloved, stand still and let God take over. Step out of the way and let God be God in your life. This month, I declare that every hindrance and obstacle that once stood against you will fall because God has taken the battle personal.  


As you go into this week, may the Lord cause His face to shine upon you, grant you peace on every side and uphold you with His mighty outstretched Hand. I will hear your testimony. I bless you.




In His Royal Service

Dr Mike Okonkwo

The Presiding Bishop

Content Editor 1
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