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What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 (KJV)


One of the things you must settle in your heart this year is that God is for you. God is for you irrespective of the challenges you may be facing. Your clear understanding of this fact will guide your attitude throughout the year and beyond. Even if you think the world is throwing lemons at you, if you have the right attitude, you will make lemonades out of it and make a profit. Your situation is as bad or as good as you see it. Like the popular phrase “Half full and half empty”, it depends on you. If you see the glass as half full, you will see opportunities all around you, but if you see it as half empty, you will see lack and hunger all around you. Have you stopped to think that if there were no lemons, there would have been no lemonade?


Yesterday, we read the story of David and the raid of the Amalekites. Can you imagine what would have happened if all he did was sit and wail and mourn? No matter how much God wanted to restore to him all he lost, it could never have happened because God would not have been able to help him. Yes, David cried, yes, he lamented, but more importantly, he sought the face of God. He knew that even in the difficult times, God was still for him.

Child of God, throughout this year and beyond, settle it deep within your spirit, make it a daily confession until you become one with it, that God is for you. Never let the devil steal this truth from your spirit. Be fully persuaded that He is for you and not only that, know that no one can be against you because the greater One lives in you. One with God is a majority. No matter the wind, your anchor is firmly on the solid rock and nothing can move you.

There is a bright future ahead of you; God’s thoughts towards you are thoughts of peace. He will take you to your expected end. This year, you will pursue, overtake and recover all. I will hear your testimony in Jesus’ name.

Further Reading: Romans 8:29-39

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen 27, 28 / Evening- Matt: 9:18-34

TREM Web Administrator
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