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“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.”
Hebrews 4:9 (KJV)

As the fast is drawing to a close; I want to challenge you to enter into the rest of God. I know it is easy to look around and count the numerous requests you placed before God and get very jittery that you are not seeing the results you desire. Beloved, do not be moved by what you see but by the Word of God. Remember, His Word is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, so there is nothing the Word cannot deal with.

As believers, there is a rest for us. It is not a passive rest where we fold our hands, pray and do nothing. No! It is an active rest. A rest where we are open to hear God and quick to obey.

In our scripture today, God is drawing our attention to the children of Israel who could not enter into the rest because of their unbelief. For them, ‘seeing is believing’ and that robbed them of the rest that God had made available for them. However, for the believer, believing is seeing. When you believe and hold fast to the Word, the circumstances and situations will give in and the victory will manifest.

When you enter into His rest, you know that it is no longer by your labour but by His grace. Does that mean you do nothing? No! However, in spite of whatever He lays in your heart to do, you are conscious of the fact that He is the One that gives increase.

As we round off, hold fast to His promises; enter into His rest. Be assured that faithful is He who has promised and He will do it. He is not a man to lie; it is totally impossible for Him to lie. Stand in faith and you will see His salvation.

Further Reading: Hebrews 4:1-10
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Jeremiah 18-19; Evening- 2 Timothy 3

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