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“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things
are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good
report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8

In life, your perception determines your character. And then, of course, it is your character that
will determine people’s perception of you; not what you say. You see, you can be gifted,
talented, and anointed, but if your character is questionable, polluted, or flawed, it will limit how
far you can go in life. Yes, the grace of God is in your life, but the character is what leads you to
your destination.

The question is, what seed are you sowing into your life? What have you allowed people to
speak into your mind? What type of seed are they sowing into you? One of the things that have
helped me in life, over the years, is never to judge people by what others said. It is important to
understand that people’s perceptions differ in diverse areas. I don’t want to sacrifice my eternal
destiny on the altar of wrong perception or wrong friends.

Do you know that some genuine people around you may be a distraction to your life depending
on what they are speaking into you? You need to weigh what they are saying in the light of the
word of God. Does it meet the standard of truth, honesty, justness, purity, love, and good report?
Does it bring about praise? Is it of virtue? If it doesn’t meet these standards, don’t even give it
attention. Don’t listen to it. Determine that your ear is not a garbage can.

You are on your way to great things in your life. The thoughts of God towards you are thoughts
of peace, not of evil; to give you hope and a future. God has great plans for you. You are called
for glory. You are not called for shame, disgrace, humiliation, and embarrassment. No one will
abort your destiny. The plans of God concerning you shall be fulfilled. What God has spoken in
your life shall be accomplished.

Further Reading: Jeremiah 29:10-14
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 16-17; Evening- Acts 20:1-16

Bishop Mike Okonkwo
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