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From the Bishop

Dearly beloved, as we climax the age, the plan of God is that you will manifest various aspects of His wisdom so that the powers of this world will be shocked at the level you are walking in. Like I would always say, this is the best time for the believer: because while it is getting darker in the world, the believer is shining brighter....

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I want to truly thank God for the successful hosting of yet another Economic Summit. I also want to specially appreciate all our Guest Speakers and the Business and Entrepreneurship Committee {BENCO} for a job well done. I encourage you to put legs to the principles and economic strategies shared during the summit. As you take advantage of the many opportunities that abound in our...

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It is with great joy that I come your way again this beautiful Sunday morning. On this beautiful morning, I want to encourage you from this scripture: ‘’And when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the gentiles by his ministry’’ {ACTS 21:19} Beloved, one major reason God allowed you to stay here on planet earth after you gave your heart...

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Romans 12:2A ‘’And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.’’ {KJV} Dearly beloved, I come to remind you once again that the Christian life though full of trials, is nevertheless progressive; it is from grace to grace and from glory to glory. You must walk with the mentality that God did not call you to shame or embarrassment....

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‘’Observe people who are good at their work – skilled workers are always in demand and admired; they don’t take a backseat to anyone.’’ Prov. 22:29 {MSG}   Dearly beloved, it is with great joy that I welcome you back from the Christmas and New Year celebrations. We truly thank God for granting journey mercies to all who travelled during the holidays. We do not take it...

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