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Be Intentional

It is with great joy that I come your way again this beautiful Sunday morning. On this beautiful morning, I want to encourage you from this scripture:

‘’And when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the gentiles by his ministry’’ {ACTS 21:19}

Beloved, one major reason God allowed you to stay here on planet earth after you gave your heart to Christ was because He wanted you to become an example of how He lived here on earth. He wanted you to be His Ambassador for change. He wanted you to accomplish purpose in life.

Looking at the above scripture, one thing that enabled the Apostle Paul accomplish his purpose was that he had a clear vision of what God wanted him to do. He was never in doubt. He knew exactly what he was called to do and to whom he was called to do it with. He knew his assignment was to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the gentiles. Paul pursued what he was called to do with a passion. He had a dream. He was intentional, little wonder he achieved so much for the Kingdom.

In the same vein, do you realize that God has also called you to a life of purpose? He did not save you just to be counted among the number. No, He saved you and called you to a life of glory and virtue, but you must be intentional about it. That is why we have dedicated the entire month of January to repositioning ourselves so that we can take delivery of all that God has in stock for us. For too long we have complained about how things are not working, but the time has come for us to become the agents of change. You have a role to play.

Being intentional starts with having a vision for your life. You must have a goal. You must know where you are going to in life and how you intend to get there. A person that does not define his objectives obviously will end nowhere but that will not be your portion in Jesus name. When you look at Acts 26:12-19, you will see that Apostle Paul knew who called him and exactly what he was called to do. He kept at it and he defended it. He was a man of purpose and he fulfilled it.

My question is how do you want your business to be like this year? When I say business, I mean everything about your life. Child of God, at what altitude do you want to fly. What relationships do you want to develop and leverage on?  Beloved, nothing just happens. The year 2017 is already 22 days old and counting. All your goals for the year must be clearly defined before you set out. This is the pathway of all achievers. Sit down, think, plan and strategize.  Understand that you are a different person – a New Specie that has never existed before, called out to show forth the glory and Excellency of our God. Always remember that you are called to take charge and lead the way for others to follow.

As I close, I declare over your life that your light will no longer grow dim. You will arise and shine. The earth will yield its goodness for you. You will not carry cup in your hands begging. You will not weep nor lament.  You will surely fulfill purpose. I bless you.


In His Royal Service

Dr Mike Okonkwo

The Presiding Bishop 

TREM Web Administrator
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