Dearly beloved, I want to thank God for the grace He has given you to be a part of this October Fast. Be assured that having gone through this fast, your life will not remain the same again.
Since this fast commenced, we have seen God do awesome things in our midst. Yokes have been destroyed and fetters removed from the lives of God’s people. I come to assure you that having sought the face of God on this mountain, every pending issue in your life would be dealt with speedily. However, you need to watch out because the devil has an age-long trick, of bringing back the symptoms of the challenge and making you feel like nothing has happened. He tries to make you feel as if the prayers are not answered and that God is not real, but beloved, that is why the word of God to you this week is very emphatic: be fully persuaded.
“And being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was able to perform. And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.” Romans 4:21-22 (KJV)
In being fully persuaded, you must ensure you operate from a position of victory because you know that God will come through for you. You have a confident assurance that He has your back covered; therefore you must refuse to give the devil a foothold in your life. Your victory is already assured, but there are several ways through which you can give the devil a foothold in your life. I’m just going to highlight a few ways in which we can give the devil access.
The first way is through negative confession. You will agree with me that often times we give in to pressure and exchange the symptom for the real thing. Yes, you have prayed and God has assured you of your healing, but the symptom is still there. Understand that the devil actually intensifies the symptom to make you confess negatively and of course whatever you confess you receive. So when he backs you to the wall and applies pressure, rather than confess negatively, choose to praise the Lord. No wonder God commanded us to give thanks in all things. You may not know how, you may not know when, but be fully persuaded that He will do it again. Beloved keep thanking God until you see the result; and I guarantee you that it will not tarry.
Another way is through un-forgiveness, malice and strife. Paul writing to the church at Corinth as recorded in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 described those early believers as carnal and not spiritual. Yes, they were believers, but he called them carnal. The scriptures tell us that they were involved in envying, divisions, strife and yet they expected the power of God to move in their midst. That is why you cannot afford to lift up holy hands to God in prayers, and yet refuse to forgive those who have hurt you no matter what they did to you. Don’t let strife and bitterness against any person rob you of your benefits during this fast.
A third way is through listening to the second voice – because it is so loud and compelling. The first key to controlling the second voice is to identify it, the next thing you do is to cast it down. Don’t give it any room to grow in your life especially at a time like this. Counter it with the word of God. Remember God spoke to Abraham in Genesis 17 that He would make him the father of many nations, but the second voice came and Sarahlaughed, considering her age and that of Abraham’s. Thank God the story did not end there. God spoke again and said –“…Is anything too hard for me?” The second voice will always make you disbelieve God’s word. This word of assurance from God helped Abraham and his family to overcome the voice of the adversary. That same God will prevail in your life to shut down the second voice. You will not miss out in Jesus name.
I encourage you to keep these issues close to heart so that you will be a partaker of all that God has ordained for you. I declare that every issue you bring before Him this season will get a speedy answer. Remember, He who hath begun a good work in you will surely perform it. My God will exceed your expectations. You will surely testify. I bless you in Jesus name.
In His Royal Service
Dr. Mike Okonkwo
The Presiding Bishop