Dearly Beloved, I bring you greetings in the name that is above every other name, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God and our soon coming King. Congratulations to the National Young People’s Ministry on the success of the just concluded Metathesis Conference. You will agree with me that this year’s conference was truly rich, with great content and great speakers and that you have been empowered with the necessary tools to get to the next level. It was indeed a Metathesis with a difference. I am so excited because I know that there shall be tangible results in your life from this conference. I want to implore everyone, both young and older to get the CDs, DVDs, and MP3s because you didn’t hear it all. Listen to it over and over again and I know that you shall have incredible testimonies.
The theme of this year’s conference is A New Tribe. This refers to a people who are not satisfied with the status quo. A people who will arise and take responsibility for their destiny. A people who will dare the impossible. A people who will not back down from the enemy; a people who are not going to just sit on the sidelines and watch things happen, but will make things happen. David was a man who refused to sit on the sidelines but chose to step into the ring and go at it with Goliath because he understood who he was and what he carried. When Goliath came against the people of God, everyone ran away including King Saul, but not this young man, he ran towards him. Beloved the time has come for you to run towards your confrontation. This is not the time to back down and retreat in surrender, no, confront your confrontations, attack your attackers because therein lies your victory.
“And David said, “What have I done now? Is there not a cause?”” 1 Samuel 17:29 (NKJV)
Child of God I have come to ask you this morning, is there not a cause? Is there not a cause for you to rise up from complacency? Is there not a cause for you to challenge the status quo, for you to dare the impossible? Aren’t you tired of going around the same mountain over and over again? Aren’t you tired of the world laughing at Christians because there are only a few people making an impact? Aren’t you tired of not living a life of significance, not being the very best that you can be? Is there not a cause? Beloved it’s time to arise. Apply for that scholarship, that job, that fellowship. Start that business. Yes I know you are afraid, but do it anyways, do it afraid. When you take a step, God will amplify it, but you must step out. A New Tribe is daring.
The time has come for us to show the world the victory that we have in Jesus. For too long we have talked about it, but now is the time for the world to see it in our lives. The only way they can see it is if you arise and shine. Isaiah 60:1 (NKJV) “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” The scripture is very clear, in order to shine, you must arise. One of the speakers at this conference made it very clear that desire is the hallmark of every achievement. How desirous are you to shine for God? Child of God, you have all that it takes to be the very best that God created you to be. Don’t settle for less, refuse to back down and quit. Even when challenges come, hang in there because you know who you are in Christ and what you have in Christ. 2Peter 1:3-4.
You have all that it takes to live a significant life. Just step out in faith, forget what you used to know because you are A New Tribe. I declare that you will manifest all that God has put inside of you. You will impact your world for Jesus. You will be a force to be reckoned with. I bless you in Jesus’ name, Amen.
In His Royal Service
Dr. Mike Okonkwo
The Presiding Bishop