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Dearly Beloved, I bring you greetings in the name that is above every other name, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God and our soon coming King. It’s another Sunday and it’s my joy and pleasure to welcome you to church. I believe that you will leave here blessed, transformed, delivered and set free. 

This morning, I want to remind you about some fundamental truths in the word of God; that is, the need for you as a believer to imitate Christ by walking in the love of God.

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:1-2

“Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.”

It is clear that God expects us as His children to walk in love, just as Christ has loved us. Maybe you’re wondering about how Christ expressed His love to us, He did so by giving.

The Bible states clearly in John 3:16, that God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that we may live eternally, for whosoever that believes. The love of Christ gives, and so as a believer, God expects that you live your life as a blessing to your world. Until your life becomes a blessing, then you are not fully maximizing the reason for which God put you here on earth.

Beloved, who is your life impacting? Who are you being a blessing to? And don’t be so quick to think in monetary terms only, because there are several ways you can be a blessing. When last did you call a brother/sister to just check up on him/her? When last did you spend time in prayer for your brother/sister? When last did you go into your closet and give out the clothes and shoes that are still good, but you haven’t worn in a while, to that man/woman that doesn’t have as much? When last did you bless someone with a smile and some words of encouragement, to let them know that God loves them and is mindful of them?

This is how God expects us to live. He expects us to be blessings to others wherever we find ourselves, be it at home, in school, at work or in church. You should live in such a way that when you are not around, people notice and miss you. This is the whole import of Matthew 5:16. The way you live will determine if people will glorify God over you or not. Have you ever been in a place where simply because “Bro. A” or “Sis. C” was not around, everyone shouted “Thank you Jesus” in excitement? That should not be the testimony of a believer.

Beloved your life should be so full of good works that men will see it, and glorify your Father in heaven. People around you should be grateful to God, simply because of you being in their lives. It should be someone’s testimony that he/she is better off today because of the value you’ve added to their lives. Pick out some nice wears from your closet and bless someone; provide a shoulder to lean on, for that brother/sister that needs one. One of the main reasons we gather here for services apart from listening to the Word, prayer, quality praise and worship, and more, is to build relationships and bless one another. Make it a point of duty to be a blessing to someone on a daily basis, so that men can bless God on your behalf.

I bless you today in Jesus’ name.


In His Royal Service

Dr. Mike Okonkwo

The Presiding Bishop

TREM Web Administrator
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