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Daily Devotional

“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:’ 2 Peter 1:3 (KJV)   The million-dollar question is: How can the believer practically take the most advantage of what Jesus did for us? The way to leverage Christ’s sacrifice is to take the lavish gifts that His death, burial and...

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“For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:17 (KJV) To leverage something means to use it to its maximum advantage. So, it is not to use up to five per cent or ninety-nine per cent advantage, but the maximum one hundred per cent advantage....

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“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16 (KJV)   In this present day and age, you must make up your mind to stand up unashamed for what it is that you believe. These are not the days to take a back...

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“Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?” Genesis 17:17 KJV   Beloved, how often have we tried to tell God how impossible our situation is, when we are supposed to tell the situation how immensely big our God is? Abraham was asking...

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Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee." Genesis 17:5 (KJV)   Child of God, you must always recognize that you are a child of the kingdom and God has finished all that concerns you before He ever made the promise to you. All you need do is begin to walk towards that...

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(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.Romans 4:17 (KJV)   God appeared unto Abraham after he refused that booty from the king of Sodom (Genesis 15:1). He demonstrated His trust and love for God. He was not ready to do anything outside the...

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And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God." James 2:23 (KJV)   Beloved, God Himself puts it in His register that Abraham is righteous, and He called him His friend. The question is: What did Abraham do? Abraham believed what God said and acted on it, and God recorded that he was...

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“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” Hebrews 4:15 (KJV)   Jesus Christ, our High Priest, is always touched with the feeling of our infirmities. That is why He always makes intercessions for you. He is at the right hand of the Majesty on...

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“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” Hebrews 4:15 (KJV)   Jesus Christ, our High Priest, is always touched with the feeling of our infirmities. That is why He always makes intercessions for you. He is at the right hand of the Majesty on High, and every...

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"Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?” Isaiah 53:1 (KJV)   Today, I have come to ask you: Whose report do you believe? Do you believe you are who God says you are? Do you believe that His promises are yours? Or do you believe what situations and challenges are happening to you? Believing in defeat, failure, and lack...

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